Pharmacological Study

We conduct pharmacological studies for drug safety and efficacy using animal tissues, human recombinant proteins (receptors), various enzymes and cells in compliance with the Quality Assurance Standards.

Study Topics

  • Study to support the efficacy of a drug
  • Secondary pharmacological profiling
  • Selectivity study for receptor subtypes
  • Study to identify agonist, antagonist and inverse agonist
  • Binding-dissociation study of a drug
  • Study to identify the mechanism of drug receptor
  • Receptor analysis with drug administration
  • Receptor analysis using imaging software
  • Uptake and inhibiton study by cytokine production

Measurement system

Binding assay (radio receptor assay; RRA)

We conduct various studies using animal tissues and human recombinant proteins. Several receptor packages are also available- please contact us for more information.

Functional assay

Agonist, antagonist and inverse agonist can be identified using GTPĪ³-S or GPCR cell line.

Enzyme inhibition assay

Inhibition rate of specific enzymes by a drug candidate will be evaluated.

Kinase inhibition assay

Inhibition rate of kinase activity by drug candidate will be caluclauted.


We measure various endogenous substances as biomarkers.

Cell base assay

We will conduct studies for binding to cell membrane, incorporation of a drug into cells and its degradation, effect on cell proliferation, internalization, inhibition of cytokine production, etc., using cells isolated from tissues, commercially available cells or cells provided by the customer. Please ask us for details.