Corporate Activity Guidelines

In order to continually enhance the confidence that society places in us, we, Sekisui Medical, strive to become an evermore highly respected enterprise through our day-to-day business activities in accordance with the five corporate guidelines set as forth as follows.

1)Our Business activities contribute to the positive development of global society.
We supply products and services that are beneficial to society, manufactured and provided with careful consideration for the safety of the handlers and consumers, and for the environment.
We are a forerunner in developing new technologies, new products, and new markets.
We develop Our Business continuously, providing safe and comfortable work environments and establishing sound corporate guidelines.
2)We vitalize our operations by maximizing each employee's personal potential.
We each strive to be self-supporting persons through ceaseless efforts to improve our attributes and abilities.
We seek "speed" and "quality" our work.
We achieve maximum results by confidently facing every challenge and contributing to our best in teamwork, without being hampered by past precedents.
3)We maintain an enterprise in which society has confidence, and which is highly regarded by our customers, business partners, stockholders, local communities, and the general public.
We gain our customers confidence and satisfaction by supplying top quality products, and providing excellent service.
We communicate actively with our customers, business partners, stockholders, and local communities.
We disclose our corporate information in a transparent and timely manner.
We protect personal information and customer information with strict security.
4)We comply with relevant law and the spirit therein, and act with sincerity, in all aspects of Our Business activities.
We conduct fair trading, complying with all relevant laws and regulations both inside and outside of Japan, as well adhering to our internal rules and all relevant international rules.
We conduct all of our operations in a manner which will have only beneficial results to the society at large, fully in accordance with our position as a responsible corporate member of the society.
We maintain sound relations with political, and all other, administrative bodies.
We fully respect human rights and refrain from any form of discrimination.
5)We, as a good corporate citizen, work for global environmental protection and contribute to the well-being of society from the viewpoint of sustainability.
We tackle global environmental issues and are dedicated to global warming prevention and resource recycling.
We widely support social contribution activities, such as nature preservation and cultural and social welfare activities and so forth.
We respect the culture and customs of local and regional communities to enable co-existence and co-prosperity both inside and outside of Japan.

Established April 2008