Human Liver-type Fatty Acid Binding Protein (L-FABP) Kit


We created this page for medical staff.

  • *Read carefully the package insert before use.

Reference Data

On Hitachi 7180:

Within-run Reproducibility

  Measured Value (ng/mL)
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
n 10 10 10
Mean 10.2 50.3 101.9
S.D. 0.28 0.50 1.47
CV(%) 2.75 0.99 1.44
Max. 10.5 51.3 104.0
Min. 9.7 49.7 98.9

On-board Stability

On-board stability may differ depending on the type of analyzer and measured environment. Run quality control as necessary when using this product.

On-board Stability

Detection Limit

Detection Limit




  Spiked Concentration Measured value(ng/mL)
Base Sample Spiked Sample
Unconjugated Bilirubin 20mg/dL 10.2 10.1
38.7 40.0
Conjugated Bilirubin 20mg/dL 10.0 9.6
38.2 40.5
Hemoglobin 500mg/dL 7.3 7.5
39.4 40.4
Chyle 2000 FTU 8.0 7.5
40.1 38.9
Glucose 4000mg/dL 6.7 6.3
37.3 37.4
Ascorbic Acid* 300mg/dL 8.1 7.2
100mg/dL 47.8 53.2
  • *Ascorbic Acid may affect results from around 100 mg/dL depending on the sample.



Measurement Range

1.0-200 ng/mL

"NORUDIA" is a trademark or registered trademark of SEKISUI MEDICAL CO., LTD. in Japan and/or other countries.

We prepared this page for medical staff (doctors, dentists, pharmacists, clinical laboratory technicians, nurses, etc.) in Japan to ensure the correct use of our products. You should be aware that the information provided is not intended for overseas medical staff and the general public.